Rainbow is Me

do you know why I Love Rainbow ? cause it's seems like me :) ..... 1. WHITE. Actually, doesnt have many colors, it just white aura that can be separated, it saved inside the deepest heart, tak ada yang dapat mengganggu kesucian dan kemurniannya, agar tak mengganggu keikhlasannya untuk melaksanakan tugas mulia yang diperintahkan-Nya.*** 2. Has a variety of colors in each of her curves, mempunyai banyak sikap seolah banyak kepribadian, padahal ia hanya mempunyai satu kepribadian yang teguh.*** 3. Always displays the bright colors on its surface, and hides cloudy colors on its inside, agar tak ada orang yang bisa melihat kesedihannya.*** 4. its presence soft to touch the earth, karna hanya orang yg bnar2 peduli padanyalah yang slalu mencari keberadaanya bahkan menunggu dengan sabar untuk sekedar memandangnya dari kejauhan bumi dan langit. -it's wonderful and mostly perfect-

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Akuu,, Ijtihadku,, dan Cita-citakuu...

hey,, you know what ?? i just want to share you all, how could i can reach my dream.
visualisasi cita cita itu penting. dan, saya hanya menjalankan sedikit dari metode yang pernah saya tau sebelumnya.

i made this since i was in the first day of third grade.

mading istiqomah orenz 2011
here is the place which i can write anything that can disturb my thinking for focusing examinations
well... after sharing here, i can get back to my full concentration.


what did i write there, maybe you can see in my room directly,
but i just want to post a little which really have value in this journey...
here they are ....





setiap orang pernah merasakan jatuh bangun dalam menjalankan kehidupannya.
cuma sedikit terapi ini yang saya yakini bisa membawa saya keluar dari jurang keterpurukan.

terapy checking to get out from deterioration

hhaa, just put my hand there and I can feel that I am a student college of medical faculty in UGM / UNDIP


di kamar 104 Madani ini, ada sedikit space buat pertapaan ijtihad seorang siswi biar rajin belajar.
and the important one it getting away from feeling of sleeping. hhhaa

place "Ijtihad" to get full concentration
after studying,,, sleeping...... hhaa,, ngga lah. Keep struggling orenz !!!

calon mahasiswi FK 2011.
_pray for me please_

noonaorenz =)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hey, long time no think about L.O.V.E

_March 12th 2010_

in my sweet age, i do hope much i could meet with "the Best whom Allah sent for me"

Whether i don't know how to find, but i do believe much, 
somehow he can find me where i stay.
Whether i don't know how to keep, but i do believe,
somehow he can keep and protect me from every dangers

But ... until this day i don't have any reason for loving someone, and I seldom think about it.
but every time that i think of love, you always be in my seeing ... (at the s*h*ol)

at that time I expect I can say to you ...

"Hi boy,, do i Love you ?"
"Do you love me ?, or do you love me if i don't love you?"
"Do you have any words to say ?"
"How could you make me hesitant ?"
"Huuufft... I don't care. Neither understand about this."
"Do NOT keep silent, please !!!"

- for you who feels the same-

You know what ? I'm freezing inside. I don't know how to make it melts.
It is dark too, and i can't make it shines either.
My heart always feels lonely here. Emptiness.
I was being sick of love for 3 years, since i was in this place. The Weird Place.
My feeling had been died for long time,
and I couldn't see anyone approached and tried to wake it up from this frozen.
I always wait, day by day, every day, every time, by full of expectation.
and my waiting has been too long. Long.... Long... very long time.
I've been tired keep staying here.

until I decide....
I'll not search love anymore.

I just do lay hope on the fate.
which had been made.
for me.
for you.
for us.

I promise.

Well,, thank for the God,
who lets me feel that my heart,
and my thinking always goes to you, god.
The only One, no exception.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

ngePOST deitengah kesibukan yang bejibun


pengen mosting blog, tapi.. banyak banget ujiannya.
ga punya waktu, internet lola, ga punya duit (hhaa, classic), ga ada laptop, de-el-el.

yang jelas entah itu kapan,, orenz bakal mosting plajaran hidup slama ni yg belum sempat terposting tapi sudah ditulis sih, di catatan kecil. tunggu yg sabar yaa.

1. The worst birthday is my sweet 17 day.
2. Fakultas, the next future should be bright.
3. Kemantapan itu hadir dari dlm Qolbun.
4. Aku Jatuh Cinta. dan ini benaar-benar cintaa =)
5. Kesabaran yang begituu manis "man shabara zhafira"
6. Pesan kecil untuk adik-adiku d CM**S, semoga bermanfaat
7. Persiapan detik detik Runtutan Ujian.
8. Hey, long time no think about L.O.V.E
9. Semoga yang sgera datang adalah seorang muslimah shalihah
10. Kisah akhir di bumi MADANI

hmmm.. blog ini bakal terbit seiring dengan berjalannya taqdir Allah kapan orenz sempet memasukan mereka satu per satu. yang jelas, orenz janji,,.. tulisan ini bakal dimasukin, dan semoga bermanfaat buat saya sendiri (Looh ?? hhaa...) dan kalian, "reader without any comment"
