Rainbow is Me

do you know why I Love Rainbow ? cause it's seems like me :) ..... 1. WHITE. Actually, doesnt have many colors, it just white aura that can be separated, it saved inside the deepest heart, tak ada yang dapat mengganggu kesucian dan kemurniannya, agar tak mengganggu keikhlasannya untuk melaksanakan tugas mulia yang diperintahkan-Nya.*** 2. Has a variety of colors in each of her curves, mempunyai banyak sikap seolah banyak kepribadian, padahal ia hanya mempunyai satu kepribadian yang teguh.*** 3. Always displays the bright colors on its surface, and hides cloudy colors on its inside, agar tak ada orang yang bisa melihat kesedihannya.*** 4. its presence soft to touch the earth, karna hanya orang yg bnar2 peduli padanyalah yang slalu mencari keberadaanya bahkan menunggu dengan sabar untuk sekedar memandangnya dari kejauhan bumi dan langit. -it's wonderful and mostly perfect-

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Nice to meet you in CILEGON - Kota Industri

Selamat datang di Kota tempat aku dibesarkan...
oke, Friends... let me do what i never do before..
it's introducing you about this Lovely city ...
CILEGON - Banten

do you know where is the location of Cilegon ?
it's located here ...

and now,
i'm gonna show you a little references about Cilegon...


as an Industry City

Krakatau Steel as as the biggest Steel Producer for Asia's level
so many big factories which can't be explained


as a Tourism Object

Suralaya beach that never be retired place


Sunda Strait bridge connects Java island and Sumatera island

as a Connected City for two islands

Merak harbour as a famous harbour from year 1800, connects you by water transportation


as a Potential Energy Supplier

as Power Plan / Power Supply of electric energy for Java and Bali island


as a Religion City

we have so many "Masjid"
but we don't have any church or another religious place for non-moslem

as a Phenomenal City

in 1883 Krakatau volcano errupted and history recorded as terrifying explosion in the world at that time.


get more informations by clicking this site ...

and it'll be nice to meet you in Cilegon ...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


apa ini hari-hari yang melelahkan? apa ini hari-hari yang panjang?
when it started on thursday July 19th... that i came step on Yogyakarta ..

kawaan.. ternyata amanah itu memang besar...
amanah itu memang cukup berat...
atau aku yang tak kuasa dan semena-mena...

ini kali pertama, kaki melangkah di rumah sakit...
di sebuah ruangan yg berlambang tiga huruf - UGD...
bukan untuk aku, tapi untuk amanah ku...
dengan sejuta rasa takut, aku berdo'a...

apa aku menyepelekan rasa ini ???
atau sekarang aku melebih-lebihkannya ???
aku tak tahu jawabannya, aku tak tahu ke mana arahnya
yang aku tahu aku harus berhati-hati dengan langkah kaki ini

Duhai Yang Maha Menyembuhkan

jika rasa sakit adalah nikmat sesungguhnya
maka betapa mulianya Engkau menciptakan obat baginya
jika rasa sakit itu adalah peringatan bagiku
maka iznkan hamba yang ada di sana

tak ada keyakinan langkah lagi pada saat ini,
selain.... do'a padaMu ...


hashtag hikmah ramadhan

#jemput ke mua*imin jam8 mlm >> bawa motor >> banyak pikiran >> bablas magelang T__T
#shock >> UGD sardjito decided
#jadi tukang pijet n tukang kerik sampe jam 12 mlm
#anter msk asrama malah kena tilang =.="
# jemput ke mua*imin jam 9 mlm *lagi.. tuk k2x..
#cek-in UGD RS.P*U muhammadiyah  *lagi.. tuk k2x
#dioksigen >> peng-asapan >> @UGD >> :'(
#pulang jam1 mlm >> muter2 cari jln no portal
#dianter pulang sama .... ******
#training >> nge-lesin >> ngurus adek >> beres2 kosan >> janjian bubar >> gataraweh >> rumahsakit lagii


Friday, July 20, 2012

competition full stories of journey ~ alone

nice to passed MUN's selection ...
to present my innovation (team with mas didik, mas Faqih) and explain to public
that we will contribute for our Nation
thanks for visiting us to come here..


needed hard trying to come to depok cause this my first time had along and alone journey there
kesasar di pasar rebo gajadi problem...

our first day in Grand Opening 

some miss-understanding happened. it caused by unclear 'juknis', so that we had hard TM..
finally, it passed peacely


 Great awards !!!

finally we were enjoying each other

Thursday, April 19, 2012

27 jauary?? oow.. i remembered again.

i think that link is not important at all..
but i just wanna know how was feeling with it.
then i tried to follow those instructions, until i got this result.
certainly, i don't believe it at all.. but i got interseted with the date..
"January. 27th"
it remembered me to January, 27th in 2007...
ooow... i want to forget those all memories...
but for a particular time, i miss those moments so bad.
and so on, I miss you, and it has to be you....  v_v

let me be happy, seems like you, who had found a true lady...

X-follower orenz lover